Baking soda can change the pH of your pits and cause painful rashs- we omitted it from our formula. Added magnesium, zinc oxide, bentonite clay and arrowroot powder is MORE effective at fighting odor from your released sweat and toxins!
Video below details best technique to apply specifically for the Black Deodorants. New Stick-Up, new packaging... eco friendly, no BPA. *As we transition to cardboard containers yours may arrive in the white plastic.
Magnesium topically can help deodorize the body more efficiently, Zinc oxide reacts with the short fatty acids that are responsible for body odor and converts them into odorless salts (clever we know!)
Our new formula contains Hemp Seed Oil and has received the feedback: "Top deodorant." This formula includes magnesium and zinc oxide to maintain your natural moisture pH balance without causing irritation. The concentrated formula becomes more potent with use, requiring only 2 to 3 swipes for a longer-lasting effect than other natural deodorants.
FREE FROM ALL CHEMICALS, fragrances, aluminum, toxins, parabens and BPA!